Who We Are
IFGF Global Missions is the heart and soul of IFGF Global Movement. It is not something that we do; it is who we are.
Every believer is called to join in partnership with God to reach across geographical and cultural boundaries and bring the whole Gospel of Christ to the whole world. Every believer, and therefore every local church, is also called to help plant and establish strong churches, especially in areas where the Gospel has never been preached before. IFGF Global Missions is the catalyst of IFGF Global movement to ensure that every IFGF local church continues to remain missional.
As a sodality of the Church, IFGF Global Missions is led by a mission board appointed by the apostolic team of IFGF Global.
IFGF Global Mission was founded at the IFGF Conference in August 2021. This department aims:
1. To work with all regions to reach the unreached people group
2. To plant churches in areas where no church exists
3. To provide education and to raise awareness of critical mission needs so every local IFGF church keeps being missional and at the cutting edge of mission.
Headed by Ps. Daniel Hanafi, this department is overseen by the mission board consisting of Ps. Budi Hidajat (Semarang, Indonesia), Ps. Sugi Hendric (Pinole, CA), Ps. Herman Ong (Austin, TX) and Ps. Evan Tjandra (Jakarta, Indonesia).